prove them wrong

Client: Brandon Isaac Fitness
Size: 30’ x 9’
Materials: MTN 94 Spray Paint
Location: Burlington
Date: October 2021


behind the scenes

After collaborating in 2020, Brandon reached back out to me to create a second mural installation at his newest location. Working with Brandon’s great, he’s a partner who loves to get in the trenches with you in order to nail down the right messaging, but also one who gives you the reins to let you run with things artisitically. It’s always nice working without restrictions, it allows me to inject more of my personal style into the final artwork. 

From a technical standpoint, I pushed myself outside my comfort zone on this one; blending the brand colours, implementing a transparent black to create depth within each stroke, and taking out the fat caps to add some juicy highlights and gritty colour transitions. It all came together to make the aggression really come through on this one. Thanks B.


never give up

Size: 24’ x 18’
Materials: MTN Black & MTN 94 Spray Paint
Location: Burlington
Date: December 2020


behind the scenes

Previous to the piece above, Brandon hit me up to do our first mural for Brandon Isaac Fitness. When I got on site, I was super happy to be greeted by a massive brick canvas. Cinder blocks must’ve been made for spray paint, as they allow for some real clean line work while providing a nice, almost-grainy texture.

The message was simple and bold, “Never Give Up”. The typography style presents a sense of movement and fluidity, while still being rooted in the sentiment of the phrase, and purpose of this piece.


Self Control


Paradise Pending